Friday, April 17, 2009

Real Change Comes To Town

Dale Mumford is running unopposed for Ridgely town commissioner. The deadline for anyone else to register passed at 4:30 Friday and this talented and capable man will fill the empty commission seat in two weeks. Congratulations and thank you for taking on such a task during these tough times for our town.

Also, thank you Kathy Smith for standing up for our town. The cavalry has arrived, and I'm sure that together, you and Dale are going to put things in Ridgely House back in order. With the the town financial crisis (which preceded the global crisis) looming, this change couldn't have come any sooner.

Another change is coming to town too. For the past week, our town manager has been under consideration for the position of town manager of Onancock, VA., a news blog, has been following the story for over a week now. Yesterday, the town picked someone else for the position but our town manager was on the right track with such a move.

"The times they are a changing" and Ridgely is once again back in the hands of its citizens.


Wymzie said...

Our Town Manager Russ Blake never goes out looking for a new job....

Anonymous said...

Can he take the $238,000.00 with him?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Town Manager Joe better start packing his things up....hell's acomin'. Joe sure doesn't seem to leave his jobs on high notes! Resign, Joe--you're toast!

Anonymous said...

If all the energy spent on covering up and making "deals" would have been spent on real management of our town, he could have been a good manager. But, that was not to be.

With a new guard coming in, there'll be some reckoning due, and it's long overdue. Sorry Joe, but it's time to deliver an accounting, and if you can't do that, you need to go.

Looking for a new job is probably a good ideal...

Anonymous said...

Joe get outta Ridgely--go anywhere but just leave. Also don't shred any papers on your way out--you're being watched!

Anonymous said...

I hope this is change for you. Our current mayor in Pocomoke promised change but became a turncoat.

Anonymous said...

Betcha I know where Joe's looking for a job now. Joe, just get out of Ridgely--you've done too much damage already. How does this guy ever consider himself a town 'manager'????????????? What a joke.

Marylandavehome said...

Does this mean Joe isn't gonna move to Ridgely?

Anonymous said...

The damage to the town cannot all be blamed on Joe. Two commissioners are also to blame, luckily one is leaving and the other lame duck needs to go. Alot of other problems stem from town employees and they need to go as well. The citizens should never be at odds with it's government. Right now there is major anger from the citizens toward the town gov't. This must change, NOW!

Toby Gearhart said...

True, inaction and lack of attention by some commissioners contributed to the town's situation. If someone thinks that they can rely on a town manager as their only source of info and not bother to check into other options, they shouldn't be commsissioners. This isn't a beauty contest and there have been plenty of warnings from a number of people that Ridgely's situation was going south. Commissioners Gearhart and Smith have been sounding the warning to the other commissioner's deaf ears for some time now. Still the over reliance on short term quick fixes have their genesis with the TM. We should be able to trust our TM. And, when it became clear that he never intended to honor his contract and really move here, trusting him came into question. Accusations of electioneering last year were the last straw for many in town. And, I've watched our planning meetings become war zones as it became the citizens vs. the TM and his development no matter what strategy to fix town finances. Some good business people have been hurt in this conflict...a real shame.

Let's not condemn the good with the bad. We have some excellent and dedicated employees. Robin and David are good department heads. I rely on Missy and her knowledge of our codes for good info on zoning. We pratically have a new police department and those of you who wanted change there are getting it. Let's not forget Wilson whose dedication can be counted on. I could go on.

I trust that our new commssion majority of Dale and Kathy will do what is right. It's really going to be hard to straighten out the mess we are in and they will need our support.