Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Budget Update And Happy Thanksgiving

Nothing was finalized out Monday night as far as the Ridgely Budget is concerned. The difficult decisions on salary cuts, layoffs, and tax and fee increases, were deferred. The next town meeting is in town hall on Monday, December 1st, at 7:00 PM.

This year with financial uncertainty everywhere, let's take the time this Thanksgiving to be with family and friends, and be grateful for the abundance we still enjoy.

The dancing chicken two posts ago is a hard act to follow, but check this turkey out. Happy Thanksgiving!


Monday, November 17, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ridgely Must Get Its Finances In Order


The Ridgely COMMISSIONERS WILL MEET THIS MONDAY AT 7:00 in the Ridgely House to discuss the emergency changes to the existing budget. This meeting is open to the public as meetings of the Commissioners should be. Spending is way off the mark, and the deficit has been growing LONG BEFORE the global financial crisis. It's important to get our house IN ORDER BEFORE we are hit by the consequences of the global financial fiasco. It is also important that the Commissioners do what is right and fair on behalf of the Ridgely taxpayers. We should not be made to bear the burden of cleaning up a mess that is not of our making. With the already high assessments on our homes, a tax increase, a water sewer increase, and even higher town fees would be unconscionable. The cuts to fix the budget must be made in house, in Town Hall. AND, this doesn't mean long term, and loyal employees, should be made to pay by those who presided over fiscal foolishness.

Remember, the Commissioners passed balanced budgets which were not adhered to. We need all the Commissioners to step up to the plate, and once again, manage those responsible for the situation. Do you all remember when we had the united and hands on Commission of Jare Wallace, Dale Mumford and Lou Hayes? They managed the town as the Charter requires. Look at what our fellow citizens accomplished: the Ridgely House reconstruction, attracting a new bank, attracting the first new construction on Central Ave. in 50 years, saving the Waste Water Treatment Plant, saving the run down homes on Central Ave., and starting a regular schedule of street and sidewalk maintenance. The town was not in debt.

We haven't had such unity and hands ON management since death took Jare from us. Try as they might, individual Commissioners since then have not been able to, for any length of time, put the Commissioners back in charge. And, a divided or hands OFF Commission has meant that the Town Manager has usually run the show. We the taxpayers certainly ARE NOT better off, and the focus of the town government has been on the staff which grows more and more expensive each year without providing additional services to our citizens. We are now deeply in debt.

It's time that we the residents of Ridgely come first again. New and additional fees are being considered for existing services. The Town Hall Administration should be making the needed sacrifices instead. Concerned citizens should attend the town meeting on Monday the 17th at 7:00 PM, or write a letter or email to the Commissioners that can be read into the minutes.

***11/17/08 - 10:05AM -- Commissioner Emergency Budget Meeting CANCELLED -- Rescheduled For Monday, November 24, 2008 at 7:00 PM ***

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Where Left And Right Unite

Nationally, and locally, there are de facto, new emerging voter coalitions. The Obama victory was not a victory of ideology, but a victory of both disgust with the Bush administration, and the charismatic appeal of Obama's personality. Our political landscape is very much in flux, and the uncomfortable coalitions within the Republican and Democrat parties are stretched to the breaking point. The most publicized and uncomfortable coalition crack is within the Republican party. On one side are the paleo, populist or traditional conservatives. On the other, the neo-conservatives and the Wall street conservatives. It's Pat Buchanan and Sarah Palin vs. "W" and his fellow travellers. To read the American Conservative magazine these days, is to read articles that find common cause with the left on a number of issues from the war in Iraq to globalization. Even though each each side travels a very different route of logic to get to their mutual destinations, they still arrive at the same operative point of view. So contrary to the neo-con weltanschauung is the traditional conservative perspective, that National Review (which has become the neo-con mouth piece), publishes articles about the "unpatriotic" traditional conservatives. They are branded as isolationist and protectionist. Et Tu, Toby?

It's with the Naderite, populist, and green wing of the Democrat party, where traditional conservatives find common ground. Setting aside abortion, there is much agreement about Iraq, stopping out-sourcing, rejuvenating manufacturing and controlling immigration to protect American workers and the environment. Lou Dobbs may best speak for this possible emerging populist coalition. And, typically, he has been branded isolationist, protectionist and even racist, by the standard brand types of the Democrat and Republican parties.

This development, has its greatest potential at the local level. I attend gatherings of both the Caroline Citizens for Responsible Growth and the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy, and evidence suggests that the citizens in attendance are a good mix of principled liberals and traditional conservatives. This is also true of our Ridgely Planning Commission, as well as our town's successful voting coalition. Missing above are the community wrecking, Club For Growth types, whether they call themselves Democrats or Republicans.

Some of you must think that I'm sick, indeed, to be still thinking about politics after the Obamananza. Some of you may also think that November 4th settled everything. The election settled zero ideologically, and only guarantees that Obama will have an unusually free hand for at least the next two years until midterms. Such power on both ends of Pennsylvania Ave., will inevitably lead to hubris and overreach, and the pendulum swing of 2010 won't be a Democrat one. What has happened this year shows that because of the very strange times, all options are open. This is a fact to be both feared and welcomed. This could be a time of revolution or reformation. I'll hedge my bets with reformation. There are signs that we are on a road back to a time where community will once again matter, and America will return to being (in the words of Pat Buchanan) a "nation and not an empire". Our very precarious economic situation, will become the forge of a new politics. Whatever it may be called, a traditional conservative, green, and populist coalition, from the White House to the Ridgely House, would be in America's best interest.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Remembering Our Veterans

This Veterans Day, remember that our Veterans have given so much. With very uncertain times approaching, it's important to honor what they sacrificed.

Around our home, there are many mementos of those who served. They protected our nation and brought freedom to North Africa, Italy, France (twice), Belgium, and whether they wanted it or not, my German cousins. From left to right is Frank Martin Gearhart's uniform (World War II -- liberation of North Africa and Italy), Frank Tobias Gearhart's uniform (liberation of France, Belgium and Germany), Abner Gearhart's helmet and gas mask (World War I -- liberation of France), and Edwin Satterfield's uniform (World War I -- liberation of France).

God bless them all, and I hope they enjoy a round together this Veteran's Day in the great VFW in the sky.

All Options Possible With New Political Pardigm

A political paradigm is established when an election of such profound importance occurs that the political landscape is changed for a generation. Young people, in particular, attach themselves loyally to the ideology and party of the victor. 1932 was such a year for the Democrats and liberals with the election of Franklin Roosevelt. 1980 was such a year for Republicans and conservatives with the election of Ronald Reagan. What does 2008 and the election of Barack Obama mean?

First, it's not a triumph of liberalism. Senator Schumer ought to be reigned in by his colleagues before he tries to ban Rush Limbaugh and all conservative talk radio. This is one of a number of chest beating moves that will sink Obama. Obama won because of a brilliant campaign, candidate charisma that exceeds even Reagan, and the abysmal mess George Bush and the neo-cons have bequeathed America. Against such a combination, McCain, and particularly Palin, rallied all the troops that were possible on the conservative side.

Some of my friends and relatives voted for Obama, and they are not leftist ideologues. They were MAD AS HELL about "W". I didn't even vote for McCain in the Republican primary because of his associations with "W" and the neo-cons. Only good 'ole Sarah saved him for me by the general election.

The factors that will determine whether or not Obama has established a paradigm moment, are the extreme uncertainty clouding our future, and WHO Obama himself really is. All I can say about the uncertainty part is that, it looks as if we are about to live out the ancient Chinese curse, "may you live in interesting times". On the other hand, who Obama is, will be the key to any shift among the political tectonic plates.

In my blog, I have certainly have raised questions about Obama's buddies from Chicago, and what this might mean about his character. I know very well that it's hard to be a saint in the city. I too, knew some very unsavory charactors in Philly, BUT they weren't my political mentors. I have also evolved ideologically, and categorically rejected the leftist world view that characterized my youth. Obama only rejected Messrs. Wright, Ayers, and Farrakahn when he ran for President.

Obama might just be an opportunist and not a committed leftist. Believe it or not, I hope for this outcome. He just did what he had to do to survive in the city. If, however, he is a committed leftist, God help us. He has the ability, due to his charisma, to use the bully pulpit, to at least temporarily enact a very leftist agenda. While I'm sure time and reality would overturn such a coup, living through the process may not be very pleasant.

What's the paradigm? Who knows. It's too early to tell if a new paradigm will come into being. In the meantime, I kind of like the one here in Ridgley where traditional conservatives and liberals, unite against the likes of the Club For Growth, the rapacious developers, and their bureaucratic allies, to keep our good 'ole Ridgely livable. If such a united entity were only possible nationally, I'd be the happiest blogger in the blogosphere.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Back To Ridgely -- The Carraige House Is Saved At No Expense To Taxpayers, The Growing Ridgely Budget Mess, And Thursday's Closed Budget Meeting

Monday night Buck Herzog's carriage house was saved and will be moved temporarily to Carol Dorr's property. NO RIDGELY TAX MONEY WILL USED TO MOVE IT. THE DEVELOPER WILL PAY THE MOVER DIRECTLY. Thanks to Commissioner Smith and former Commissioner Gearhart for all their hard work to save the carriage house and save expense to the Ridgely taxpayers. Thanks to Commissioner Hunter for having the common sense to vote for the authorization to proceed.

Meanwhile, the Ridgely financial fiasco is growing. No one likes to place blame, but it is very necessary because someone is going to have to pay for the mess we are in. The Ridgely financial fiasco could have been avoided. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE WORLD FINANCIAL MARKET MELTDOWN. RIDGELY HAS LED THE WAY!

Do you want the newest numbers? According to the Town Manager himself (October 20th workshop), there has been $178,000.00 added to the already existing deficit. Despite MANY warnings to the contrary, the town administration spent money from developers that it did not have. There is no restraint on all kinds of spending. Where else have employees filled the tanks of the town cars they take home without accountability? Where else does a town not own an employee time clock? Where else does a town pay for what developers failed to do in a development? The bill from Lister Estates keeps growing and growing. The Town Manager's explanation that the cause for our problems was the trash fee removal and no tax increases, he's wrong. (Hmm...anyhow, I seem to recall that the "budget" flyer proclaiming "no new taxes" was kind of popular with some of the Town Manager's friends last town election.) There is no excuse. THE HIGHER HOME TAX ASSESSMENTS BROUGHT IN A HUGE INCREASE IN REVENUE. For us to be in such debt, clearly, somebody isn't doing their job on behalf of the Ridgley taxpayers.

Commissioner Hunter said at the October town meeting that this is the Commissioners fault. Sorry Chuck, I'm going to have to let you off the hook on this one. YOU AND ALL THE OTHER COMMISSIONERS PASSED BALANCED BUDGETS. HOWEVER, YOUR BUDGETS WEREN'T ADHERED TO. I think two of the Commissioners don't want to deal with reality. IF POSSIBLE, the simplest solution would be for the Town Manager to admit what's wrong, ISSUE A HEART FELT mea culpa, and come up with a plan that puts the Ridgely residents first. What is unacceptable is for business as usual to continue and we the residents foot the bill. Someone will have to pay. The red ink will not magically disappear. Do we keep on the wasteful way we've been going, or do we change? Do we increase our tax bills and water bills, or do we change the way the town administration does business? The town must stop it's wasteful spending instead!

Finally, Monday night it was announced at the town meeting that there will be a closed budget meeting this Thursday. This action will violate the Maryland Open Meetings Act. THE WHOLE MEETING CAN'T BE CLOSED. ONLY A PORTION CAN BE CLOSED TO DEAL WITH SPECIFIC PERSONNEL MATTERS OF A PERSONAL NATURE. More Fundamentally, why should a small town meeting be closed anyhow? At a national level, meetings are closed for national security reasons. However, it's not exactly like our Town Manager is fighting Al Qaeda here. Closed meetings will only increase growing citizen suspicions about the town administration. This is a Budget meeting and BUDGETS ARE PUBLIC INFORMATION. IT'S TAXPAYER MONEY AND WE HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW HOW IT'S SPENT. We also need to know who is going to have their wages frozen and who may even be laid off. Loyal long term Ridgely town employees should not be victims of this fiscal failure. Services that benefit Ridgely residents should not be cut, and back door tax increases such as even higher town service fees should not be instituted. Stop the waste and start being accountable with the people's money. If layoffs and salary cuts are needed, the place to start is at the top. The town administration should never have allowed this to happen.