Saturday, April 11, 2009

Linda Tripp Redux With Billy Burke In Pocomoke City

Linda Tripp's recordings of Monika Lewinsky led to the impeachment proceedings against former President Clinton. Afterwards, she was charged for violating Maryland's wiretapping laws in what has been termed "the most disgraceful, transparent campaign of politically motivated vengeance in recent American history". In an irony of disgraceful proportions she was the only actor in this drama to face criminal charges. To most of us she was a heroine who blew the whistle on our debauched former president.

Fast forward 10 years to today and nearby Pocomoke City. Stephanie Burke and husband Billy are political activists running a blog critical of the town administration. Stephanie also ran for town council against the local machine backed apparatchik. She was defeated last Tuesday by an unprecedented and overwhelming absentee ballot campaign supporting the town machine. The ballots have all been seized by the State's Attorneys office and an investigation of voter fraud is under way.

Thursday, Pocomoke City police raided the Burkes home, seized all electronic equipment, and arrested Billy for "wiretapping". It seems that Billy recorded a public rant by the town mayor on the town hall steps. He sent the recording to the State's Attorneys office as evidence of wrongdoing by the town administration. Clearly, he didn't feel he was violating any state law by recording statements in public because he then sent that recording to the State's Attorneys office.

It sure looks like the Linda Tripp case of "politically motivated vengeance" all over again. There is, however, one even more troubling difference. Linda Tripp did wiretap over the telephone as it's commonly understood. The Burkes recorded an elected official in a public area.

Between their blog and run for office the Burkes are a mortal threat to the Pocomoke machine. Their fight for good and open government is gaining ground and we can only hope that their efforts and suffering will bring about much needed change in Pocomoke City.

1 comment:

Marylandavehome said...

It's funny how some think that by trying to kill the messenger that the truth will go away. This type of foolishness just brings the truth into focus louder and clearer.