Monday, September 21, 2009

Town Meeting Report -- Commissioner Smith Resigns

Commissioner Kathy Smith has resigned her position as commissioner of Ridgely. There have been growing disagreements between her and the other commissioners. Although resigning my own planning and zoning commission position has tempted me, I do feel that elected officials should not resign and disregard all the supporters who put them in office -- sorry Sarah Palin. I know what a pain the job is. My late father in law, Paul Satterfield, advised against having anything to do with planning and zoning or town politics in general, observing that it's the best way to make enemies here....words of wisdom.

The scoop on Kathy will come in the Times Record interview due out Wednesday. In the meantime...the long awaited Ridgely Comprehensive Plan that protects our small town way of life was passed by both the planning commissioners and the commissioners. It took five years to craft this guideline for our town's future.

An all out shouting match then broke out between an irate citizen and the commissioners over the 30% waste water sewer rate in town. He was right! Unfortunately, the commission that is now in place didn't make the mess and is stuck with resolving an incredibly AWFUL fiscal problem. There can be no more layoffs to save money or the town will completely shut down. The only solution is for you and me to pony up and pay...sorry for this overall depressing news folks.


Marylandavehome said...

Is this town governable?

Anonymous said...

I voted for her and wish she wouldn't have quit. She did a good thing getting rid of the town manager. If he would have been there just another month think of how the town finances would have ended up!

Anonymous said...

There is another option besides "pony up and pay"--move out of this screwed up town!

Anonymous said...

Anybody heard from Joe lately? He should be personally liable for what has been uncovered since he was booted.

Anonymous said...

Joe is the only winner here...he is happily employed on our tax $$ at the state water resources board. ...ain't that a bitch???????????????well, i don't want to f##*% up tob's "G" rating so i'll shut up.