The Ridgely town manager was sent back to Westover at the commissioner's meeting tonight. Specifically, it's because of his failure to honor his contract and live here. As most of you know there are about 238,000 other reasons too.
All I can say is please never let us have to go through this again. The problems could have been solved a couple years ago. We the taxpayers of this town will pay a heavy price for more town management than we bargained for. At $80,000.oo, do we really need a town manager? Maybe it's time to reconsider the whole idea of the town manager.
God bless our courageous commission majority of Kathy Smith and Dale Mumford for the stand they have taken!
All I can say is please never let us have to go through this again. The problems could have been solved a couple years ago. We the taxpayers of this town will pay a heavy price for more town management than we bargained for. At $80,000.oo, do we really need a town manager? Maybe it's time to reconsider the whole idea of the town manager.
God bless our courageous commission majority of Kathy Smith and Dale Mumford for the stand they have taken!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! And the Angels Rejoice...Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
About time! We will still be left to clean up the mess.
Good news! Now, the folks who know where the skeletons are buried as to Joe's many acts, should come forward and lay them out for the Commissioners. It's their duty to do so and to do so ASAP.
Good riddance, I say! And HE wanted you to apologize to him--hee,hee, hee.
Joe should get the message by now that 'managing' anything is best for him. How many times does he have to be fired; he should know the drill by now.
Did hell freeze over? Too many years too long we have suffered. Now maybe someone will enforce the zoning regulations and do things like their job. Where is all the unaccounted for money?
Suggest a top-to-bottom internal audit immediately.
A long time in coming, but thank goodness we now have two Commissioners who are looking out for our town and not for the pockets of the Town Manager!
I'm sure there will be a lot of surprised discovered, we've been through this before, lets hope we dont' have to do it again. Either go without a Town Manager or get someone who lives here and cares about the town.
Can you all come down to Pocomoke and give us a hand?
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