Monday, May 5, 2008

Sour Grapes Vs. The Whole Truth!

It was heated at the Commissioner's meeting tonight and events pertaining to the recent election are still being discussed. At issue was the recent Town Manager "press release".

Some simple facts will set the story straight about the proposed '09 Budget "press release" from the Ridgely Town Manager the weekend before the election.

It all started when an email was sent out to all three Commissioners, 9:08 AM, April 24th, from the Town Manager, stating that "the attached has been forwarded to the media". Commissioner Gearhart emailed back that this was wrong and premature since the Commissioners hadn't even seen a draft of the budget, and asked him to retract the "press release". As the Town Manager was unavailable, Gearhart notified the press to clarify that the Commissioners hadn't yet seen this so called draft budget. Then, at 12:02 came another email from the Town Manager saying that "Chuck and Linda OKd". HOWEVER, you can't call such an email "vote" OFFICIAL, since such an action would VIOLATE the Maryland Open Meetings Act. The press did not print the Town Manager's "press release", writing that "to cover it would be imprudent".

The bottom line: WHY THE RUSH? If this "press release" was truly what it pretended to be, why would it matter if it was released the 24th or TODAY? Speaking of today, why wasn't the budget proposal in evidence at tonight's town meeting? The town meeting IS the time and place to consider this issue. The absence of any proposal tonight speaks volumes about the politics of the "press release".


ahege said...

I also take issue with Chuck's statement about the Press Release not being put up on the web until Monday. It implied that I dragged my feet doing so.

First, I went back and looked at the time stamp and Carol did not send to me until 4:30 pm Thursday. There was no "Rush," "Post Immediately" or any other such notation with the email.

My internet was on the blink all week, I was barely able to get online for even 5 minutes. I guess I have spoiled everyone by usually posting information the same day. I was unable to do that this time because of the trouble with my internet as well as having been a very busy week for me. There was no sinister collusion here. I did post the Press Release on Sunday, when I was able to keep my internet up for more than 5 minutes at a time.

Since one candidate was passing out the Press Release at a "Meet the Candidate" function, and there were stacks of them at stores around town, I don't understand what the problem was with me not getting it on the internet the same day.

If the complaint is I didn't do it in a timely manner, then the Commssioners and the staff at the Town Office need to look at how timely I receive the meeting minutes, and agendas to post. In fact, I rarely ever receive an Agenda for Planning and Zoning and I don't believe I have ever gotten one for Economic Development.

It is amazing how certain facts are conviently "omitted" in order to make someone look bad.

The internet statistics should speak volumes for how much the public is using the website and I, as webmaster haven't received any negative comments, in fact all I have heard is how much people are glad there is a website that is being kept current.

Toby Gearhart said...

I feel bad for the way you have been treated on this. It reminds me of the way you were treated a few years ago on the Town Talk issue. It's nothing but sour grapes and a search for a scapegoat.

The Ridgely website is the best I have much better than any other small town site. People who live here ought to know that you volunteered your time and talent for the set-up. Thank you! You are appreciated by us.