WWTP "Cancer" -- The Real State Of The Town Report
The following report is from the commissioner's meeting last night and sums up the dire straights our town is in. (click on report to enlarge.)
What the heck was Joe The Terrible doing while all this mess was happening??????? Wasn't he paid to be 'managing' the town??? What were those Commissioners who were in office during this time doing???? It's clear that Joe and those Commissioners failed to do their jobs. Shame on each of them--utter failure on their parts.
Not all the commissioners allowed this to happen. Both commissioner Gearhart and Smith sounded the alarm. Commissioner Gearhart voted against the WWTP foolishness. In our town commission if takes two to tango and for a time only one commissioner at a times showed any judgement.
I'm no fan of Mangini but you have to admit he inherited a lot of the problems regarding Lister Estates. This is a large part of the bill the town now owes which came due while he was TM. They are practically on a welfare like entitlement to cover for the failure to ensure that the developer and not the town citizens pay for development. That development has really cost us!
Come on, he was happy to pay the Lister bills. All those payouts for Lister payed off politically last year. They all voted for the TM's buddy Portia. Who knows what they were told but it worked.
The sad part is that the citizens must pay for the failures of the commissioners who looked the other way. Yes, Joe and Mike are both to blame along with the commissioners as listed above. They could be considered "party to the crime" or "facilitators". Either way this is where we are and it's not good. But atleast we have a couple commissioners who do not have their head in the sand and they are working their butt's off trying to get a grasp on the problems. Unfortunately, more and more problems that have been hidden are revealed as they do thier investigation. Hold on tight, it's gonna' be a bumpy ride!
It all lies at Joe's feet--we paid him huge $$$$ and he was a total flop at what he did. There is no way anyone can defend him on this mess. Joe Mangini should personally pay back all the money he cost the town.
While it is clear that Joe caused alot of this mess, the real culprits are the commissioners for not doing their jobs! And while we keep hearing how former commissioner Gearhart voted against things towards the end, she DID help hire Joe and she did campaign for BOTH Chuck and Linda when they were running for office. So cut it with how blameless she is for this mess. All 3 of the former commissioners are just as guilty as Joe. And Linda should be removed from office immediately! Is their some way to impeach her in the charter?
Hey, remember when "That Commissioner" kept saying there's too much negativity talk--what a head-in-the-sand leader she is! Truth is, Dear Commissioner, the negativity is/was based on fact of financial crisis--you just didn't want to see it. You are to blame for alot of what has happened--you were Joe's biggest promoter. Resign.
Unfortunately, there is no way to remove an elected official in the current town charter or both Chuck and linda would have been removed. Hopefully that will change with a new town charter. First we need to get the financial problems back on track.
Yes, Nancy did help hire Joe. So did I, and a lot of other people, like Jerry Sutton!
Were we snookered? You betcha.
BUT, it didn't take some of us very long to realize the kind of person Joe truely is and tried to do something about it.
Since Linda and Chuck both chose to let Joe run the town any way he wanted because he was a "professional," the citizen's complaints fell on deaf ears, even were talked bad about when they complained about Joe and the Commissioners not doing their jobs.
I can't even remember how many times we asked the Commissioners to do about Joe not honoring his contract. It didn't happen. Then Joe pretended to move into town for a few months to quiet the complaints, but when he moved out again, did the Commissioners do anything? No. Oh, wait, they did tell him to move into the 21160 zip code, but they didn't enforce it.
Nancy kept trying to reign Joe in, but like I said, Chuck and Linda pretty much voted the way Joe wanted on most issues. So don't blame Nancy, she tried hard to get him out a long time ago.
If you were at any of the town meeting, you'd know Chuck couldn't get out of office fast enough. Sure wish Linda would, but, Linda, well, I think she's just doesn't get it.
Why wasn't Linda paying attention--all the signs were there that Joe was a Big Problem.....but she was steadfast in his defense at all times.
If Linda could not see through Joe and fell under his spell, the question is: Has she seen the truth now as to how this all got into such a mess? I want to know the answer to that question from her. She was definitely part of this problem.
What the heck was Joe The Terrible doing while all this mess was happening??????? Wasn't he paid to be 'managing' the town??? What were those Commissioners who were in office during this time doing???? It's clear that Joe and those Commissioners failed to do their jobs. Shame on each of them--utter failure on their parts.
Not all the commissioners allowed this to happen. Both commissioner Gearhart and Smith sounded the alarm. Commissioner Gearhart voted against the WWTP foolishness. In our town commission if takes two to tango and for a time only one commissioner at a times showed any judgement.
I'm no fan of Mangini but you have to admit he inherited a lot of the problems regarding Lister Estates. This is a large part of the bill the town now owes which came due while he was TM. They are practically on a welfare like entitlement to cover for the failure to ensure that the developer and not the town citizens pay for development. That development has really cost us!
Come on, he was happy to pay the Lister bills. All those payouts for Lister payed off politically last year. They all voted for the TM's buddy Portia. Who knows what they were told but it worked.
The sad part is that the citizens must pay for the failures of the commissioners who looked the other way. Yes, Joe and Mike are both to blame along with the commissioners as listed above. They could be considered "party to the crime" or "facilitators". Either way this is where we are and it's not good. But atleast we have a couple commissioners who do not have their head in the sand and they are working their butt's off trying to get a grasp on the problems. Unfortunately, more and more problems that have been hidden are revealed as they do thier investigation. Hold on tight, it's gonna' be a bumpy ride!
It all lies at Joe's feet--we paid him huge $$$$ and he was a total flop at what he did. There is no way anyone can defend him on this mess. Joe Mangini should personally pay back all the money he cost the town.
While it is clear that Joe caused alot of this mess, the real culprits are the commissioners for not doing their jobs! And while we keep hearing how former commissioner Gearhart voted against things towards the end, she DID help hire Joe and she did campaign for BOTH Chuck and Linda when they were running for office. So cut it with how blameless she is for this mess. All 3 of the former commissioners are just as guilty as Joe. And Linda should be removed from office immediately! Is their some way to impeach her in the charter?
Hey, remember when "That Commissioner" kept saying there's too much negativity talk--what a head-in-the-sand leader she is! Truth is, Dear Commissioner, the negativity is/was based on fact of financial crisis--you just didn't want to see it. You are to blame for alot of what has happened--you were Joe's biggest promoter. Resign.
Unfortunately, there is no way to remove an elected official in the current town charter or both Chuck and linda would have been removed. Hopefully that will change with a new town charter. First we need to get the financial problems back on track.
Yes, Nancy did help hire Joe. So did I, and a lot of other people, like Jerry Sutton!
Were we snookered? You betcha.
BUT, it didn't take some of us very long to realize the kind of person Joe truely is and tried to do something about it.
Since Linda and Chuck both chose to let Joe run the town any way he wanted because he was a "professional," the citizen's complaints fell on deaf ears, even were talked bad about when they complained about Joe and the Commissioners not doing their jobs.
I can't even remember how many times we asked the Commissioners to do about Joe not honoring his contract. It didn't happen. Then Joe pretended to move into town for a few months to quiet the complaints, but when he moved out again, did the Commissioners do anything? No. Oh, wait, they did tell him to move into the 21160 zip code, but they didn't enforce it.
Nancy kept trying to reign Joe in, but like I said, Chuck and Linda pretty much voted the way Joe wanted on most issues. So don't blame Nancy, she tried hard to get him out a long time ago.
If you were at any of the town meeting, you'd know Chuck couldn't get out of office fast enough. Sure wish Linda would, but, Linda, well, I think she's just doesn't get it.
Why wasn't Linda paying attention--all the signs were there that Joe was a Big Problem.....but she was steadfast in his defense at all times.
If Linda could not see through Joe and fell under his spell, the question is: Has she seen the truth now as to how this all got into such a mess? I want to know the answer to that question from her. She was definitely part of this problem.
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